All My Baby Resources

When I was looking to get pregnant I wanted to be prepared for anything and everything from the scientific logistics of how and when to conceive to how to help a baby expel gas. Well when I went to get started I realized there was no one consolidated list that had everything laid out nicely from conception to the early weeks to your second trimester to preparing for birth to holy shit your kid arrived and… now what?

SO here is my list of resources that I used to help me prepare!

Okay, turns out after putting down all the resources, books, articles, videos, blogs and Instagram accounts that I’ve looked into over the last year and a half… I am a little bit of a research nerd. Holy moly.

Anywhoosie, enjoy my brain dump of information! I sure hope you find it helpful!

Let me know if you found any of this information helpful or if you think I should anything to this list!